Sunday, September 2, 2007

Orel B madness

Streets of Portland Flooded with Counterfeit Toothbrushes

Normally I wouldn’t spend my time perusing articles covering “knock-off” toothbrushes, but when you find an article like this in The Onion, it must have a comedic slant. It seems the columnists can get you to read about just about anything by simply making it funny. This piece talks about toothbrushes being sold on the streets of Portland the way Prada and Gucci handbags are sold on time square, however these toothbrushes, “Orel B” are only sold for a dime less than the legit “Oral B” toothbrushes in convenience stores. By making the dialogue completely ridiculous the writer captures his audience’s attention.
It is easy to read past articles and because of the satire in each piece updated news is not necessary. Readers can enjoy an article from two years ago because they don’t read The Onion for accurate, current news, they read it for comic relief.
The Onion’s target audience is looking for an entertaining read. The writers are not looking to please the 70 year old Republican man who thinks Fox News can never lead him astray. They are looking for people ready to laugh at what’s going on in the world. The writers on staff for the Onion cover both obscure stories and headlines all with a comedic slant. This style of coverage engages the readers in al types of news because no matter what story they click on they know they will enjoy a good chuckle.

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