Sunday, September 30, 2007

Christopher Reeve is an Asshole!

The article that I chose to write about was the article named “Christopher Reeve is an Asshole.” At first glance, the title is offensive and highly disrespectful. Christopher Reeve is dead now and he did a lot of beneficial things for people that would come after him that would also have paralysis. I believe that Christopher Reeve is remembered by some more for being paralyzed than being Superman. I almost did not want to read it, but as we discussed in class; we need a wider perspective of what people are saying out there. So I read the article and my opinion swayed slightly. I agreed with some of his point of view and I understood the reasoning behind it all. I did not disagree with his approach. Although regretfully I admired Maddox’s play on words, but the overall language he used was harsh and unforgiving. I did not find the curse words offensive because as a college student there is no slur of words that can I think will shock me. It was his relentless attack on disabled/ handicapped people. I refrain from using the word crippled to describe handicapped people, just as I refrain from using the word midget to describe dwarfs. I think Maddox is extremely arrogant and selfish for no legitimate reason. He is a college dropout that does nothing with his life but provide this unique, self-centered comedy at others behalves. His work should not be praised, but it is important to understand where he is coming from. He does speak some truth. Christopher Reeve did not have a foundation until he was paralyzed and more people paid attention to his case because he played Superman in four movies. How can this offend Maddox? As human beings, we all have life-defining moments and choices to make. So what, Christopher Reeve decided to help himself and others like him only after he almost died. This is not an outrage. It is common for people to sympathize for something after they experience it first hand. I think the majority of this article neglects this as an object of human nature. I respect Maddox’s argument at times, but his approach and background discredit anything he can say as plausible.

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