Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Title Thing

Writing has never been something in which I was endowed with an overabundance of talent. I have loved reading from an early age but my ability to communicate my thoughts in what could be called a skilled or even understandable manner is less than what I consider adequate. Part of the blame most likely rests with the ease that was everything else in my early life. When I have to write something I freeze up and procrastinate until the last possible moment and when I am writing my desire to have each sentence perfect coupled with my knowledge that writing could probably not be my day job slows my writing speed two a meager two words a minute ( I exaggerate and run on). In the past I have generally been able to tell how much my teacher would like what I wrote based on the fact that it was always inversely proportional to how much I enjoyed writing it. The sentences that I have liked the most in my writing have been termed quite negatively (I will spare you the details). This has led to me writing mostly for an audience of one, myself (it could also be that I am just self-centered like all males). All of my past and current writing problems aside, I am looking forward to this class; it appears that I will learn a great deal about writing for a certain demographic and the books and class discussions promise to be filled with interesting tidbits. I look forward to the class discussions most of all. People intrigue me. 264

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