Tuesday, August 21, 2007




My personal goal for this semester and for this class in particular is to use these three words as often as possible. "Audacity" has long been a favorite word of mine, and the latter two - well, I simply like the way they sound. What's more, I strongly feel that these words are grossly underused in the English language. I would, therefore, like to do all that I can (with my lack of a degree, fame, funding...) to change this. I would also like to use the semicolon more often, and the irony and sarcasm marks at least once in my life. I think that I already use the comma too much. Well, either way, I hope to improve my writing style through this class. I know that there certainly is a great deal that could use improvement: in previous English classes, my papers would be returned to me with the word "awkward" scribbled all over them. (I blame television and video games... Well, perhaps Monty Python and Miss Marple... Err, can I at least use "English is my second language" as an excuse?) Anyhow, I am looking forward to finding out what the topics of our three papers will be, not to mention the twenty four blogs that we will write between now and sometime in December. I am also looking forward to the books that we will be reading. Although I admit that I am a bit wary "Brokeback Mountain," all four of the books look to be interesting in their own right.

(Oi vey, what a terrible lack of formatting...)

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