Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My English Experience and Expectations

I've always done alright in English, but lately I really haven't enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, there was a point where English may have been my favorite subject and let me start there. In middle school, I enjoyed English and I was even on the "Power of the Pen" team. Yeah, I know real cool huh. We even had shirts that said, "The Pen is Mightier than the Sword". Anyway, moving on, after middle school there was high school and that's when I started to lose interest in English. This loss of interest hit its peak last year during senior English when I was force-fed Shakespeare and other "classical" works of British literature. So, as of right now, English is at the bottom of my favorite class list. You could call me a "science guy" I guess, after all I am a Pre-Pharm student.

I really wasn't looking forward to taking college English this year, but after hearing about the class, I don't think it will be that bad. The books we will be reading will be much more enjoyable than what was shoved down my throat last year and I am really looking forward to reading "Fight Club". I've seen the movie and I really enjoyed it. Another thing that got me semi-excited for this English class was the fact that we will be discussing our opinions and sharing our views in the class. We all are diverse and we all interpret things differently. I love to hear what other people think and see how their interpretations differ from mine. We had discussions like this in high school, just never in English class.

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