Sunday, August 26, 2007

At a Glance

There are many thing you can learn, or guess at, about a person from their my space even with just a glance. Just glancing at the page of a 21 year old Massachusettian (is that a word?) tells me that he is a proffesional chef and like all good chefs has alot of friends 230 of them to be exact, likes rock and alternative music, has a sense of humor and is at least partly computer savy.

He only has one picture of himself on the page and from that i can guess that hes both male and caucassian of soem sort. he also took the picture when it was cold since hes wearing some pretty heavy clothes and he seems ready if a sword weilding burgular breaks in since he's brandishing one of his own (swords that is).

He has several videos on his page all of them are music videos from youtube. That along with the fact that he has a large selectio nof music on his page tells me that he and the people who regularly look at his page like to listen to a varity of music and not just the same one over and over again like many of the profiles have. It also tells me that either he has a friend thats good with computers or that he himself is fairly good and cares about how his page is put together.

The background he has is of some indecipherable, at least to me, graffti. This could symoblize many things that he is in a gang, has an artistic flair, or even that a band he likes made some graffti wallpaper its hard to tell since i cant read it. Some of the other pictures on his page tell me that he drinks, both whiskey and beer, and has a sense of humor about drinking. One picture show homer simpson dancing on a chair with a remote in one hand and a beer in the other and above the picture it says "To Alcohol! The cause of- and solution to- all lifes problems."

So as you can see there is alot you can guess at about from a my space page. How much of it is true you will probobly never know. Still sometimes little is enough and you never how much you can get from a glance.

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