Sunday, October 7, 2007

Looking Back...

Looking back over the past 2 months, I’ve seen both me and my life drastically change. When I graduated from high school back in June, I never really imagined what college would be like. All I knew was that almost all of my friends would either be attending University of Michigan or Michigan State University, and not only was I not going with them, but I was leaving the state all together. It didn’t really hit me till the week before I left for Purdue that, in fact, I was leaving home.

On August 10th, as I took a final look around the house to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything, I suddenly broke down in tears. And I couldn’t understand why. I was excited for college; eager for independence, to meet new people, and I had prepared myself for the moment when I would say goodbye to my parents and watch them drive away. I had, however, not prepared myself for the moment when I left my hometown, the place I had spent the past 14 years of my life. I was leaving everything I knew- my parents, my friends, my known sense of belonging- to start anew in a place that I had only visited once or twice a year during football season.

Now that I am here, I know that this is exactly where I want to be. I absolutely love Purdue. I have met some amazing people, gotten involved in a great activity (marching band), and have found my new sense of belonging. I have become more independent and, I believe, more mature.

In a few hours, I will be going home for the first time in 2 months. I’m excited to see my friends, family, and teachers. And while I know it may be hard to walk out the door again on Tuesday, knowing it will be another month and a half before I go back, I know that I will be alright. Purdue is where I belong.

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