Monday, October 8, 2007

Blog #14

The problems I am having right now are the reasons that I do not keep a journal of my own. I have trouble working without at least a goal of some sort (even a general direction helps) and in some cases I will just stare off into space trying to find a purpose in my writing. I am capable of developing my own goals and purposes when working entirely on my own but when I am work for or at the behest of someone else I require some form of direction from some outside source. This problem is compounded by the fact that I am neither a very long winded writer nor overly skilled at BSing my way through an assignment without it being insultingly apparent. In the words of Forrest Gump "that’s all I have to say about that"and from Monty Python "now for something completely different." I keep having trouble with my car. In the past two weeks I have killed the battery twice through no fault of my own, actually both times were entirely my fault (I tend to forget to turn my lights off). Both instances occurred on Saturday nights and for some reason both times I was not able to get it jumped until the next morning which really makes things difficult. To top it all off, yesterday I was letting someone else drive my car and she threw a rod by holding the accelerator down nonstop instead of just letting off a little bit to let it shift gears. I feel better now that I got that off my chest.

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