Monday, October 8, 2007

Free Write

I hate free writes. I never know what to say. Just give me a topic, any topic, and I can go on for days. I hate deciding on a topic. So I am going to free write about how I hate topic picking.

In just about every english class I have ever taken, there has been some sort of final paper where you could choose anything we have studied over the course of the year to write about. Every year, I hate these papers. I put them off and put them off not because I'm lazy, but because I can't pick a topic. I usually have three or four ideas milling around in my head and any one of them would be fine, but I just can't bite the bullet and pick one. I stress for days over which topic would be the absolute best. Maybe this says something about my character or inner being, I don't know, but I do know that it annoys me and I need to work on it.

The worst part of a paper is getting started. That first sentence is so key and crutial; it sets up the whole paper. If your introduction doesn't make sense or fit with the rest of the paper the whole thing is off and weird. I guess it's that whole first impression thing that I stress about.

I also hate endings. I always feel like I am never quite done and I need to add one more sentence. It's like that awkward pause after someone has just got done speaking in front of the crowd and people don't know if he has more to say or if they should start clapping. So, yay for awkward endings!

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