Saturday, November 10, 2007

Women, where?

The women in Brokeback Mountain and Fight Club, although not the center of attention, play important roles. Both books and movies are written with male leads and centered around the masculine, however, the females provide a necessary contrast. Without the women, the stories would be much less dynamic.

In Brokeback Mountain the wives show the consequences of Ennis' and Jacks actions. The show the importance of love in a relationship. I think lack of love in the mens' relationships with their wives makes it easier for the reader/viewer to grasp the intensity of thier love for each other. In Brokeback Mountain this is crucial because people are less likely and willing to accept a gay partnership let alone the concept of love and the contrast between the male/female and male/male relationships is so great it is impossible to ignore the men's love for one another.

Fight Club depicts a man's world. The novel was written with men in mind and the movie follows suit. Marla plays an important role in the movie/book even if it is relativly small. Marla again shows some of the consequences of the narrarators condition. She is used as a tool.

In both Fight Club and Brokeback Mountain the women are strong individuals with small parts. There are very few women, but they are important. I think it is very important to see these strong personalities behind the main characters, it gives the books/movies depth and gives the audience a better grasp on the situations.

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