Saturday, November 3, 2007

Fight Club.. what a movie

I thought Fight Club the movie was very good in different ways than the book. The movie kept the pace of the book, it's fast and demands the viewer's attention. This is very important. The movie does a great job of pulling the audience in and affecting the audience. You are moved by Tyler's speeches because you feel like you are part of the speech. The lighting is important and adds to the realistic feel of every scene. The house on Paper ST. always looks eerie during the day and night because of the lighting. Camera angles and sound effects bring you into every scene. When Fight Club is in session you feel like a part of the fight.
I found both the movie and the book to be very effective in different ways. I like to connect with a book and visualize all of the written imagery on my own. On the other hand the movie puts all of those details in your face and lets you concentrate on the message behind the words.

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