Sunday, September 2, 2007

us law offiicials fired on

Thursday night four United States lawmakers were leaving Baghdad for Amman, Jordan, soon after their departure their plane was fired upon by Iraqi insurgents. The lawmakers were Richard Shelby, R-Alabama; Mel Martinez, R-Florida; James Inhofe, R-Oklahoma; and Rep. Bud Cramer, D-Alabama. The article is an article of suspense. The way the news story is written, is not simply just the reporter talking about the events, the reporter interviews the four men to their take on what happened. The direct quotes from the four lawmakers make the story more exciting. When they describe what was happening it’s like a mini action film. “It was dark as the dickens, and I was looking out the small window on the plane and I saw a shell. We saw them, they were popping, and we saw the flares.’ The flares are part of the missile avoidance system aboard the C-130 aircraft. The heat from the flares is a countermeasure to attract rockets that have heat-seeking guidance systems. Shelby added that the plane ‘started maneuvering, changing directions, shaking us all around, and then I saw another shell near the plane’.” Their pilot used evasive maneuvers to avoid from being shot down. I believe that the target audience is very general; it first applies to politics, but also to the war and also has an action aspect; which draws in many readers and keeps them entertained. The next day in Iraq there were four policemen killed and five people were wounded due to a car bomb.

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