Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sick Sad Little Man

Soon after perusing around the self-proclaimed 'Best Page in the Universe', I was searching for the return line to get my time back. Maddox is funny and all, but I fail to see the point of his arrogance. He is inherently cruel and ridiculously sarcastic. Besides a few cleverly placed words, I see not a single shred of intelligence in his writing. There are enough sadistic people in the world to support this page and keep it running, which is very sad. The specific article I read was about how modern day parents are too scared to beat their kids anymore. His viewpoint vocalized that kids are too out of line these days and it directly proportional to parents not hitting their kids. Maddox hits on sensitive issues to get reactions out of his readers, whether it be positive or negative. He brings up insane arguments that have no relevancy to the real world. He makes his living off appeasing and pissing people off and I think there is nothing more to it. I would be very surprised if I ever waste another minute on this webpage.

The only bright point of the entire webpage is it serves as a perfect example of what happens to sad little men that have way too much time on their hands. Anyone who puts that much effort into a meaningless blog probably did not have many friends growing up and I am left sympathetic for Maddox and his readers.

Apparently ‘The Best Page in the Universe’ has a no return policy on all worthless articles read, oh well, at least I know for next time.

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