Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Onion (2)

The article I chose was called "Child Unimpressed with Aurora Borealis After Whole Day of Tekken 3". I originally chose this article because I’ve always wanted to see the northern lights myself. However after reading this article I was both amused and frustrated. The story is about a boy who would rather play playstation then watch “one of nature’s most beautiful and awe-inspiring phenomena”. Sadly, this is probably not as unlikely an event to occur in society today.

The article is stressing the inability of children in today’s society to fully appreciate the wondrous occurrences in nature due to action-packed games on the computer or television screen. Games such as “Tekken 3” are much more preferable because the child doesn’t actually have to think. The scenes change so quickly that they can’t possibly get bored, and therefore realizing what an incredible scene such as the aurora borealis really is, is quite impossible. Many people of late have expressed concerns about television and computer screens becoming baby sitters for children today. This article expresses that same sentiment. Children will have no interest in the actual world if they have fictional games consisting of “giant ice bears” and “cat-headed guys” to occupy their time. Instead of running outside to explore the world around them, kids are staying inside to play computer games or watch television which does nothing for their mental growth. Many blame the children for their lack of interest in the world, and many blame the parents for letting their children play such games. Regardless of who is at fault, the fact remains that television and computer games are not helping the children of today develop an interest or awareness in the world around them.

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