I again find myself speechless by the skill with which The Onion satirizes our nation's politics. This week I was drawn to a very short article. It had only three sentences and barely one hundred words. There was little to no commentary as the article merely relayed what was transpiring within the Democratic Party's presidential race. It is a wonderful commentary on political mudslinging as it clearly shows the obvious hypocrisy of accusing someone of being an awful and downright mean person for making attacks on the character, actions, past, voting record, face, wife and/or mob connections of an opponent or for actually slinging mud at an opponent while he makes a speech. This "criticism of criticism... ...has become a key element of this" year's Democratic presidential primary according to The Onion. "Sen. Hillary Clinton had harsh words for Sen. Barack Obama's recent criticism of blunt remarks made by former Sen. John Edwards over what he called 'petty Democratic-party infighting.'" If that does not cause you to die of a heart attack laughing while at the same time considering what our political races have become than you probably do not have a severe heart condition. If you have a severe heart condition then you should not read the above quote and should see a heart specialist and start taking Bayer aspirin. Politics today have become too political and too personal as you have career politicians waging war for votes based not on platforms but by character assassinations; politicians (insert a vulgarity or string of such words that adequately describes my feeling about these men and women who represent us in Washington).The Onion successfully commented on the nature of modern political races without directly mentioning it and for that they have my vote.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
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1 comment:
Gee, how long did this take you?
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