Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Nathan Hartman's Preseason Ramblings

Allright, it may not be preseason, but so far I have lost 0 points this semester. (After a year at Purdue, I no longer see points as opportunities, but precious lifelines I must cling to out of fear of losing them.)

I am a sophomore and still technically majoring in "First-Year Engineering," though I am CODOing (is that now considered a word?) into Biochemistry to hopefully pursue medicine in the future. However, I do not regret my year in engineering last year as I learned a few things: I hate math, and missed the sciences and arts more than I thought I would. Ever since I was young I was pegged as "creative" and "imaginative" and "gifted" and "special" and all sorts of flattering words. In fourth grade I was placed in a GT (gifted and talented) class in my school district and have been taking accelerated and honors everything ever since.

As English goes, I love reading good books that have a good tempo. I don't read much, but generally once I start an enjoyable book I can't stop reading. I like to write poetry and have written hundreds of poems (won 1st and 3rd place in a poetry contest in 5th grade,) but only so many are ever good.

As things pertain to this class I am very excited. I signed up for English 108 because I didn't feel like learning about prepositional phrases and direct and indirect objects for the thousandth time, and figured this would be more like my honors classes in high school. Things like discussions and higher thinking are a must for any English class.

I am very excited about these books. I've never heard of The Hours, but it won the Pulitzer so it must be good, right? As far as Fight Club goes, I had never heard of it until my sophomore year of high school when I saw the movie and I was blown away. It was everything I had ever wanted in a movie. The sarcasm, the humor, the bleak outlook and the mind-blowing plot left me a blubbering idiot as I told my friends in many more words that it was the best movie I had ever seen. Then I learned it was a book and read it last year, and I must say, the book is even better (just like Jurassic Park). V for Vendetta is another movie that was right up my ally and I am extremely excited to read the "graphic novel". (Sorry if I say those words with disdain, but after hearing so many girls in highs school talk about their manga graphic novel bull crap I have a small place in my heart devoted to the hatred of anything related to it.) However, I've always enjoyed comic books, and I expect it to be a great read. Concerning Brokeback Mountain, I don't really even care so much about reading, so much as the class discussions we're going to have. Hopefully everyone can be insightful, thoughtful, and most importantly open-minded. I am a person very closed-minded to closed-mindedness. Ah, irony: one of my favorites.

To sum it all up, I have written WAY too much, but that is just how excited I am about this class! Good luck to everyone, and have a great semester!

Nate (avid fan of parenthesis)

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