Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I have always thought of English as an “anything goes” class. Unlike in math or science classes, in an English class the student is allowed to have a different opinion than the instructor, and often times that variation of outlook is desired! Instead of plugging numbers into a calculator, English forces me to have a mind of my own, which can be both liberating and alarming. Furthermore, literature forces me to question my own beliefs and see issues from other points of view.
My expectations for this class are varied. Reading has always been a hobby of mine, a way to step out of my reality and get a small taste of someone else’s, and libraries have become my personal sanctuary. So I look forward to reading the assigned books. I expect to be challenged as well. Writing has never been a great strength of mine and I feel I have not quite accomplished a style of my own. My sister, an excellent writer herself, has always tried to assist me in finding “Sandy, the author”. She used to say that in order to write an exceptional paper the author had to truly want to write it, like nothing else mattered but getting your point across to the reader. For me this is a lot easier said than done.
As a pre-vet major it would appear that science and math classes would be much more important than an English class. So why choose to take 108 and not 106? It’s relatively simple – I love to read and I love to think, and I have a feeling that in English 108 I will be doing plenty of both.

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