Saturday, December 1, 2007

Goodbye, English class! semester's English class!

To be perfectly honest, I have not been a great student this semester. My grades have been sub-par in most every class, and it's a miracle that I haven't dropped out of at least one by sleeping through it. That being said, English 108 was consistently my favorite class over the course of this semester.

The people involved in the class were smart, and I'm not just saying that to make them feel good. Every time we had a class discussion, they were on top of it, which made them a joy to listen to. The books we read and the movies we watched were (mostly) gems, especially Fight Club and V for Vendetta, two stories I would never think to see being played out in a classroom. The Hours, on the other hand, made me depressed, which is something only a powerful book would be able to do, so I guess it was worth reading.

The teacher of my English 108 class, Professor Severe, seemed to really know what he was doing. He taught the class in a manner that allowed for freeform discussion, even though other parts of the class were governed by strict rules. He seems like a down to earth kind of guy, and his odd fascination with socks only heightens his relationship with his students.

It has been a great year. I've learned a lot, even if my grades don't reflect it. I'd like to leave you all with a gift; something as serious and academic as Professor's Severe's class has been.

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