Tuesday, October 9, 2007

News v. News.

The fact that news has any sort of bias at all just boggles my mind. It just stems from so many of us not wanting to form our own opinions, so we'd rather just have it forced upon us. There's so many drones in the world, and not enough actual leaders. That being said, I think that the bias in most of our news sources is generally pretty tame, and it's only the fact that exists that sends me into a spiraling rage, not the sheer amount of it.

So I decided to write my blog on something non-controversial, to see if bias could be injected into even the mundane. I chose the story about the man who created the technology for hard drives getting the Nobel prize. One from the New York Times, the other from PC world. Unsurprisingly, the New York Times decided to focus on the humanistic aspects of the story. PC World, also unsurprisingly, decided to focus on the technological aspects. It was all very subdued, very informative, and even though they were focusing on two different parts of the same story, there was no real bias one way or the other. Chalk another one up to objective journalism.

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