Saturday, December 1, 2007
English 108 in Retrospect
ENG 108 Reflection
My first experience with college writing was a welcome relief from high school English classes structured around analyzing rhetorical devices. For once I actually got to study materials that were at least somewhat interesting to me from a standpoint other than diction, syntax, or symbolism. I was able to diverge from these old ways to study in depth the meanings of the works on a larger scale. One thing that surprised me about the course, however, was the lack of writing assignments. In high school we were made to write essays in class nearly every day in preparation for the AP tests, so getting a chance to relax in class was excellent.
Although I enjoyed not writing so many essays, I think I would have found it beneficial to do more writing. I can honestly say that my writing has not improved as a result of taking this course, though my comprehension and insight on different aspects of texts have improved significantly. The blog assignments, to me, seemed almost deleterious to my writing. I became accustomed to writing in an informal manner and my writings became simplistic.
Professor Severe exceeded my expectations as an instructor. As my first male English teacher, I enjoyed seeing the differences in perspectives from my previous teachers. He obviously knew what he was doing and guided the classroom discussions in such a way to open minds and get the students to think for themselves and trust their opinions and argumentation. One recommendation that I have is to provide more feedback on essays. There were very few comments on my essay and no rationales behind the grade I received. Maybe this is my analytical mind needing order, but I would like to see where I went wrong so that I can improve my writing.
All in all this class met most of my expectations, but was not the great leap that I thought it would be from high school to college. Though it was not as writing intensive as I was used too, I do feel that my insight and understanding of literature and films has increased due to this class.
My thoughts on ENGL 108
When I began the class, I had never heard of the terms ethos, pathos, and logos, let alone did I know what they meant. I have been able to effectively apply these concepts in order to more effectively express myself and persuade my audience. The class discussion has been an excellent tool to make me more aware of other’s views on important and popular subjects. Also, the peer critique is great, because it allows for a second opinion on my writing before I turn it in to be graded, and it forces me to have something written several days before the deadline. One more thing that I liked about the class is that I became less uptight about my writing assignments. During the first part of the semester, the thought of having to write these blogs used to ruin my weekend. Now, it has become the norm and something I take in stride.
Though this class has taught me a lot, there are a few small things that I would suggest for improvement. First of all, and I don’t know if this is even possible at such a large university, but more one-on-one time with each student discussing how to improve each individual’s writing would have been very effective. Possibly it would have been helpful to devote one or two class periods to having scheduled ten minute sessions with each student. I felt like only problems that were shared by several of us were addressed. Secondly, though our blogs were read, they were never critiqued, thus, I felt like there was no point to writing them, because it did not provide for improvement in my writing style. Also, it would have been extremely helpful for my grades to have been posted online as they are for all of my other classes. Lastly, I felt like the objectives of this class could have been accomplished using less explicit materials. In conclusion, thank you Prof. Severe for all of your much appreciated and excellent efforts!
Nathan Hartman's Postseason Ramblings
All of the books we read were enjoyable. Could be that I just like reading, but these were really enjoyable books. My favorite overall experience would probably be V for Vendetta, but Brokeback Mountain was definitely attractive in its different theme. I had never seen the film in the past, and never really felt the need to. However, I now consider it one of the better sentimental films I've seen in recent memory.
Richard did a great job in instructing this class. Class discussions were great and he made a good effort to try to hear everyone's opinion and spark interest and debate in the topics. I really enjoyed discussing all of the novels and films with the class. Everyone was very respectful of each others' views and arguments. I also enjoyed discussing with the other students outside of class in addition to the classroom setting.
I want to thank you all for making this a great semester. Have a great Christmas break!
Reflections on English 108
I also enjoyed how the whole class got involved with everyday discussions. Each person was able to add his own thoughts and ideas, and while some of our discussions did get slightly heated, that just made class all the more exciting.
In high school, I was so used to “Read this book. Now write a paper. Now read this next book. Now write another paper,” that I was so excited to get to get to college and experience what a real English class would be like. And English 108 was exactly what I was hoping it would be. Each assignment was different, and while all the novels had something in common, they each focused on a different main issue that made the class fun. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I looked forward to getting up and getting to English. It has definitely been my favorite class of the semester.
Richard Severe has done an amazing job teaching this class. As an English major, I’ve looked up to him throughout the semester, hoping to learn more than just what we can all get out of reading. And I was extremely impressed with him. I hope to someday take another class taught by him before my time at Purdue is over.
A Semester's Worth of Knowledge
Even though I love the English language - and all languages, for that matter (although I did go through a phase were I thought that French sounded strange) - I’ve never gotten much out of my English classes. I usually ended up disliking three fourths of them – from the books, to the assignments, to the so-called classroom discussions – and could easily write a ten page paper full of complaints about any of them. Well, anyway, even though I didn’t like some of the books/movies that we’ve had to read/watch in this class, I actually enjoyed most of the written assignments and all of the classroom discussions. The book/movie reviews in particular were fun; they gave me an excuse to watch a movie and browse the internet. The research paper was kind of fun as well, but, then again, I’m a geek and like to research things. It’s not enough, though, for a class to be fun. It’s more important for it to be educational in some way; that, after all, is what we’re paying for. With that in mind, here are a few of the things that I have learned over the course of this semester:
Halloween is slutty
Virginia Woolf was kind of crazy
Some guys in art/music schools wear skirts
The French are famous for their farces
Schizophrenia can be a pain
The cost of a diamond is high, but not in the way that we would expect
Women can't be priests in the Catholic Church because, according to the Vatican, looks do matter
Society is to blame for Clarissa, Laura, and Virginia’s misery; Ennis and Jack’s failed relationship; the “narrator’s” creating Fight Club; V’s terrorism; and all of the world’s problems in general
In Summary...
Overall I enjoyed this class immensely. My previous experiences with English class consisted of reading novels such as Grapes of Wrath and Jane Eyre. Don’t get me wrong I loved both of these novels but what makes this class so unusual is that it focused on more modern literature and the pertinence each of these had on the society in which we live. The literature was not the only difference however between this class and previous English classes. The way in which the subject matter was taught was also an interesting change. Most of the class was taught in Socratic seminar style which allows for a free flow of ideas that is perhaps more helpful than having an instructor simply telling students answers. Instead we taught each other what each story meant both to ourselves and to society. I also liked the blog assignments. They gave everyone a chance to voice their opinions on different aspects of the novels, movies and society. What makes English classes so different from a more, for lack of a better word, "structured" class is the fact that not only do you learn the material being taught, but in the process you also learn a lot about yourself. This class was no different. In summary—this class was great.
Goodbye, English class! semester's English class!
The people involved in the class were smart, and I'm not just saying that to make them feel good. Every time we had a class discussion, they were on top of it, which made them a joy to listen to. The books we read and the movies we watched were (mostly) gems, especially Fight Club and V for Vendetta, two stories I would never think to see being played out in a classroom. The Hours, on the other hand, made me depressed, which is something only a powerful book would be able to do, so I guess it was worth reading.
The teacher of my English 108 class, Professor Severe, seemed to really know what he was doing. He taught the class in a manner that allowed for freeform discussion, even though other parts of the class were governed by strict rules. He seems like a down to earth kind of guy, and his odd fascination with socks only heightens his relationship with his students.
It has been a great year. I've learned a lot, even if my grades don't reflect it. I'd like to leave you all with a gift; something as serious and academic as Professor's Severe's class has been.
The End
Professor Severe definitely met my expectations as far as teaching is concerned. He understood what he wanted to be discussed and how his classroom should be run, while still maintaining a close, open environment where students were not judged for their opinions. It was obvious that his goal was to create better students, not to be everyone’s best friend or to scare anyone away from ever taking another English class.
One of my favorite aspects about the class was the blog assignments. It gave me a chance to see how other classmates interpreted certain passages or themes without having to read through twenty 4-page essays while allowing me to convey my ideas in a brief and informal manner.
English 108
One of my favorite things about the class was the discussions. It was always fascinating to see the different views others had on certain topics. The discussions were also successful because they would just flow. We would start talking about one topic of the reading and the conversation would just naturally lead into another aspect of the reading. Also, the fact that the class was advanced aided in the depth of the discussions, which allowed me to get more out of them.
Another aspect of the class that made it appealing was the movies that we watched. In my previous English classes we dealt with only the book version of the text. However, by reading the book and watching the movies I was able to get two perspectives of the text. This allowed me to get more out of each book we read in class.
Over the course of this semester I learned so much in English 108. The unconventional approach to the class not only made it interesting, but it also allowed me to see other aspects of literature. As a result, I feel that I have improved on my writing and learned how to better analyze different texts.
Final Thoughts from Emily
I think the topic of rhetorical writing was a great topic for an English class. It has a practical application that can be use for any major, but it also leaves room to have a lot of interesting topics and themes.
The blogs are a great idea. I love how they are so informal and relaxed. I feel like I can really express my views and opinions without worrying about writing it in a super formal, scholarly way.
The only part I really haven’t enjoyed is the actual writing. I can’t help it; I just don’t like it. I have liked the class though and what we have learned about writing, I just hate applying it. But that’s not your fault.
All in all, I’ve just really enjoyed this class and will recommend it to my friends!
My Thoughts
One thing that I really loved about this class was that I learned so much about things I find interesting. There were times when my roommate nicknamed this class “Psychology 101” because of our continual examinations on topics such as gender roles and homosexuality. However, I truly enjoyed the analysis and discussion we had in class as well as on our blogs. They truly made me think about issues in society and current events in ways that I had never thought about before. I feel like I have learned more about myself and society through this class than I have in all of my other classes combined.
As far as Mr. Severe is concerned, I have nothing but positive feedback. No, I am not trying to suck up; I really think he did an excellent job as our professor for this class. I like how he had a sense of humor and was generally fun to be around but demanded respect at the same time. I thought all of our assignments were interesting and relevant to our discussions and the class as a whole. I usually do not enjoy writing, but I loved how almost all of our writing assignments were assigned in a way in which we could be creative and write about what interests us.
Therefore, on a scale from 1 to 10, this class gets a 9.6.
Friday, November 30, 2007
I don't know quite what I thought a college English class would be like - there is a vague notion in my mind of lectures on participles - but this wasn't it. For once, my age-old formula for handling class - Read, Regurgitate, Repeat - wasn't going to work. The homework was nothing - the hard part of the class was that it forced you to think. That's a real change from high school.
To be sure, it wasn't all sunshine. The books and films - with the exception of V for Vendetta, of course - weren't quite what I would have picked. I never did enjoy violence. That is part of what college is, though, I suppose - exposure to new things and the broadenings of one's horizons.
Did I learn anything? Was the course useful? Yes! I did not learn to write, but rather to tailor my writing. I did not learn to read, but rather how to discuss what I had read. Instead of endless basic grammar and drills, we had a few papers that challenged us.
The most important thing about this course, though? It was interesting! One day we discussed whether it is wrong to do wrong to do right, the next day child soldiers. After lecture after lecture, this was a class that I could look forward to.
I wish I could retake it.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Female Fight Club
Fight Club could have happened anywhere, at anytime, with anyone. For a second I am going to pretend, just imagine that, put my self in the mindset that maybe women would have a fight club. Except their fight club would consist of cute things like a tea party for instance. No really, a fight club type gathering for women today may not be that different from the fight club for men. It is becoming increasingly more popular for women to turn to violence to solve problems. Since that turning point of a movie titled “Enough” starring Jennifer Lopez, women have seemed to be more inclined to indulge in self-defense classes. Female boxing has become more popular. My high school had a female on the football team. The world is changing a little at a time.
It is highly possible that women would fight just as men would to relieve stress. Pain is nothing new to women. With things like anorexia and wrist cutting (not that these are only female things) women are more exposed to pain than ever before. They drink more alcohol and catfights are becoming more and more violent. Nowadays women fight men. With the way the country is evolving, we might as well cast Kirsten Dunst as Edward Norton’s character and Angelina Jolie as Brad Pitt’s character and let it run its course. Fight Club would be the same as male fight club in the world we live in.
First off, women are not as concerned about being physically strong as men are. Most women in general could never overtake men in a physical fight. Women would be more likely to use their brains and their sex appeal to win battles. They would use deception and trickery to take over the world. Project Mayhem wouldn’t be about picking fights with men, it would be about seducing them or beating them in a debate. Women don’t need fighting or violence to feel significant. Women would not be trying to destroy the economy; they would be trying to take it over. Women wouldn’t want the economy to fail, but they would want to control it.
In a way, females have already had their “fight club” revolution; it was called the feminist revolution. That whole revolution was about empowering women and not settling for second best. It obviously wasn’t as extreme as the Fight Club in the story, but it was, and is, still a force to be reckoned with. Feminism started in late nineteenth century with women’s suffrage and it still continues today.
Different Sex, Different Goals.
Women are generally perceived to be the weaker sex, and in many cultures are oppressed and forced into the subservient role. One could argue that deviant behavior for women would be any action that defies their gender role. Women could potentially meet and plan ways to overthrow the male-dominated culture. Of course, much of these could be similar to the actions undertaken in Fight Club's Project Mayhem, but with more gender oriented goals. Instead of the goal of pure mayhem and confusion, the members of this female Project Mayhem could instead look to plant the seeds of equality, or perhaps even female superiority. Fight Club would be different if the roles were reversed, but much of the same themes and plots would be present.
Fight Club...For Women
In my opinion, if women were to form an escape similar to a fight club, they would form a group where the everyday worries of life, such as weight, financial matters, appearance, and relationships did not matter. This “Fight Club” could be anything, from manicures to makeovers to massages. However, if I were to create an escape, it would have to be a shopping spree. I think many women would relate to and therefore join a club if it consisted of an unlimited day of shopping. With no boundaries on the amount of items they could buy, shopping would be an enjoyable way for women to deviate from their normal lives.
When women are able to go shopping, whether they are alone or with other women, they have an opportunity to be defiant against society and, mainly, themselves. Most of these women buy things they don’t need at all with money that they really don’t have in their bank accounts. Therefore, they are being rebellious in their own way.
Truthfully, every person has their own way of being defiant. Just as not every woman wants to go shopping, not every man enjoys fighting. Some women take very negative approaches to being defiant; such as drugs, alcohol, and even inflicting physical pain on themselves. Other women throw themselves into sexual relationships as a way of being rebellious or disloyal. Whatever the case may be, almost every person has some type of deviant activity hidden deep inside of them.
Deviant women
I think a women's Fight Club could look the same as the men's representation of Fight Club with just the opposite sex. Fight Club does not exist as a place for men to fight, it is a lifestyle. Fight Club is about a willingness to abandon everything from your past to start a more meaningful future. Women can definatly exist within this world. The author of Fight Club stated that the type of club wasn't the important factor in the book. He said it could have been anything. I think the sex of the characters is less important than the venue. Women and men aren't so different. The men in Fight Club are middle class Americans frustrated with thier position in life. Women know that frustration as well as men do. I do think that the relationships between characters would differ if women were involved. Men and women bond differently and I think that would be apparent in the female Fight Club. The women would have a stronger bond, they would care about each others feelings and progress. |
devience with women
Female Fight Club
Fight Club Female-style
All of these examples are situations of deviant female behavior taken to an extreme. Society equates normal female behavior to acting according to the feminine stereotype. Females should be emotional beings, slightly less stable than males, more dependent, and should abstain from wild and crazy acts, especially violence. This “normal female” should enjoy calm, peaceful activities, and when she does experience an emotional overload of some sort, whether it be anger, stress, or some other form, should unload it by shedding some tears, eating some chocolate, or receiving comfort another female. Seeing as the “women version” of Fight Club described above would drastically contradict this definition of female normalcy, it is easy to see why it would be met with such skepticism.
Fight Club, Lite
In Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club, the novel focuses around groups of men involved in deviant behavior. The men meet monthly, weekly, nightly - however often is needed to fight off the demons of society that trouble them, mostly focusing on materialism and various aspects of money. While this type of behavior is not typical for men, it is not extraordinarily different, because men have been known to fight on occasion. But, in these cases, they are not fighting to defend their honor or pride, they are simply fighting to relieve stress.
For women, Fight Club would have a different feel. Engaging regularly in violent behavior is not something that would ever be expected from women, whereas it is somewhat typical in men. Rather, women engage in more silent types of violence, such as gossip. Weekly meetings to stand in a circle exchanging juicy stories about one another does not necessarily make for a good storyline, though. Part of the appeal of fight club is its action and gore – a less violent story would create a less interesting plot.
Although women are not typically physically violent, they can potentially be verbally violent. Instead of beating each other up, a female fight club could entail women yelling at each other. It sounds bizarre, to be sure, but women are typically put under pressure of being constantly pleased and soft-spoken. Rather than punching out their anger on another person, they could simply yell and scream their pain away in the middle of the night in the basement of a bar. And perhaps, like the narrator’s beloved support groups, they could end with a heart-felt hug and a good cry.
Female Fight Club: An Abnormal Deviancy
In the movie Fight Club the men participated in brutal fights with each other. Although their behavior was deviant, it was not uncommon and shocking to see men getting together to enjoy fighting. Wrestling and boxing are both sports that entail this kind of entertainment. However, if a group of females got together and started a Fight Club it would be looked upon as strange and unacceptable. In our society it is a stereotype that women do not enjoy fighting and therefore have no business fighting. This stereotype is why a female Fight Club would be unusual and viewed as socially unacceptable.
Society viewed the male Fight Club as a threat and serious situation. However, a women's Fight Club probably would not be taken as seriously because women are often viewed as not having as much strength and power to cause damage as males. Not only would a female Fight Club not be taken as seriously, but it would probably be taken as a joke. Also, females in a Fight Club would be deemed as unfeminine and unconventional. This can be seen in society’s attitude towards female body-builders and wrestlers. They are looked at as taboo and are not always welcomed in the male dominated world of bodybuilding and wrestling. This reinforces the fact that society is not always welcome to female fighters and would view a female Fight Club as abnormal deviancy.
Fight Club Role Reversal
To adequately address the changes that Fight Club would undergo if women were placed in the roles of the men in the novel, it is first necessary to describe the purpose of the deviant behavior. The primary concern in Project Mayhem, whether realized or not, is exposing the materialistic nature of society and causing its downfall. This goal could be achieved as well, if not better, by women.
While the means of achieving this goal and the targets of the deviant behavior may change, the results would be no less satisfactory. Instead of attacking the status symbols associated with males, credit card companies and coffee houses, women may feel that ending establishments that typify them, such as swanky clothing stores, may be more in line with their goals.
The method of destruction when implemented by women would no doubt be more refined. Instead of blowing up buildings and starting fights in public, women may be more inclined to take down their targets with a little more eloquence, and have more symbolic meaning behind their attacks. The attacks by men, albeit more practical, would be less devastating overall than a well orchestrated offensive campaign. Buildings can be rebuilt, but the damage to the psyche of so many witnesses is hard to reverse.
As I am concluding this blog, I have come to the realization that I have convinced myself that Fight Club would benefit from reversing the roles of men and women. I have come to believe that the impact of the book and the message that goes with it would be much more powerful if seen from the standpoint of the stereotypically more docile of the sexes.
Quilt Klub
For a woman, deviance would not be fighting or getting involved with any sort of violence. In this club, everyone would have to bring a dish of something to pass around, and they would most likely sit in a circle discussing why Sandra’s husband was SUCH a jerk on Wednesday, or what Lily’s 6-year-old son did on Saturday that was just TOO adorable. It would be a way for them to get out of the house on certain nights; to stop thinking about all the problems back home with their husbands and kids. They would also talk about money, and ways that women could be more powerful influential on the earth today, whether it be through different jobs, or taking control of their families, or perhaps even ruling the world one day.
This club would be more about women’s rights than about anything else. And while they would have to come up with excuses for why they had to leave the house every Friday night at precisely 8:15pm, women would find a way to meet privately and discuss all these compelling issues.
Deviant Behavior in Women
The characters in Fight Club chose to take out their aggression by fighting each other. Causing harm to not only themselves, but to others. A woman's form of deviant behavior centers more around one person - the self. Drug and alcohol abuse are prevalent in both men and women. They use drugs and alcohol as a way of "hitting bottom" just like the men in Fight Club did through violence. They are completely disregarding the standards set by society of how women are supposed to act. In many ways women will also take the standards set by society to the extreme in order to hit bottom. For example many women suffer from eating disorders. It is true that there are many factors that lead to such disorders, but it is also a way of showing society about the ridiculous standards set by society for women.
Acts of Feminine Social Deviance
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Fightback Mountain Club: A glimpse into the lives of men who fight on a mountain, who are also gay.
The wives in Brokeback Mountain only seem like bad people because they're getting in the way of true love. Marla seems like a sex-crazed, drug-addled pessimist, but only in relation to the narrator. It all comes down to perspective. If we could see into the minds of these fictional characters, maybe we'd get a glimpse of something more.
And I understand the fact that they don't seem like real characters; these two books are very character-driven, and they can't be allowed to take the focus off of the main characters, who are in this case, men. But that doesn't mean that the writers are treating women any differently; when writing a story about men, they need women who fit their purpose. And I think the women in these two books are shining examples of that.
In Brokeback Mountain, neither Ennis nor Jack married for love, as they were far too in love with each other to have any real interest in their wives. Ennis married because that was what people did, simple as that. You get married, you have kids, what else was he supposed to do? Jack married because Jack was poor and his wife was rich. Both were then later portrayed as obstacles to Jack and Ennis's relationship. The women had become burdens to their husbands, and Ennis felt he could never break away from this life to pursue a relationship with Jack.
In Fight Club, Marla Singer is, for the greater first part of the book portrayed as a demon, a thorn in the narrator's side. Just when he thinks he is rid of her, she starts screwing with his best friend Tyler. The narrator is livid, as this woman has become an intruder on his relationship with Tyler. In both Brokeback Mountain and Fight Club, the women are seen only as sex symbols and burdens. The men both feel as though they need them, but in reality they hold them back from pursuing their true desires.
The American Dream (Or Nightmare Depending on Your Outlook)
Womens roles in "The Hours", "V for Vendetta", "Brokeback Mountain", and "Fight Club"
In "Fight Club", a book specifically written for men, the only main female character of the book is Marla. For most of the novel, she basically serves the hedonistic pleasures of Tyler Durden. In "Brokeback Mountain", Lureen and Elma serve as fake wife figures for Jack and Ennis, just so that they can appear to have a normal lifestyle. The women in both novels are treated badly because the men of both novels don't have the courage to live their ideal lifestyles.
However, in "The Hours", the plot completely revolves around the lives of Virginia, Laura, and Clarissa. In, "The Hours", it is the women who are seeking happier lifestyles. They are portrayed as being strong because they are making actions which they feel will help them become happier. The same is true in "V for Vendetta". Although at the beginning of the graphic novel Evie is weak and must be saved by V, after V captures her she reaches a point of enlightenment and becomes empowered. By the end of the novel, Evie is strong enough to take over for V and the graphic novel alludes to Evie continuing V's mission of transforming society back to one without fascism and dictatorial government.
The Lets-Trade-Cooking-Tips-And-Innocently-Discuss-Family-Values-Over-A-Cup-Of-Tea Club
First off, Women’s Fight Club would most probably associate power with wealth and money rather than strength and force. This assumption is based off the cultural stereotype that women value financial security/are materialistic/are money-oriented, much like the original Fight Club is based off the cultural stereotype that men value strength/like to fight/are violent.
Second off, Women’s Fight Club would have nothing to do with terrorism/violence/fighting. This is because the women would feel powerful through the growth of their wealth, rather than through wreaking mayhem. They could increase their wealth much more easily through indirect means, such as embezzlement, extortion, blackmail, thievery, fraud, and dishonesty, rather than through direct means, such as the use of force.
Third of all, Women’s Fight Club would threaten its opponents with blackmail/scandals/smear campaigns rather than with cutting off their appendages. Overall, it would use psychological threats rather than physical ones. Again, this goes back to the use of what’s easier.
Last of all, the name of Women’s Fight Club would probably be something random (since naming a criminal organization “Embezzlers, Inc.” kind of sends up a red flag).
The Women of Brokeback Mountain and Fight Club
In the case of Fight Club – a book written primarily for a male audience – the female characters almost entirely lack depth and personality; have them change their names and dress in black, and they might as well be Space Monkeys in Project Mayhem. Chloe, for example, does nothing notable aside from sleeping with the main character. She wants only to be laid. She might as well be a sickly, dying version of Tyler. Marla is no better off, even though she is a more prominent character. She is the narrator’s girlfriend, wants only to be the narrator’s girlfriend, and, at many times, she seems to be like a female version of the narrator, acting and speaking much in the same way that he does. Overall, the women in Fight Club are not much different from the men. In addition to that, they don’t have subplots of their own; they are merely a part of the main plot revolving around the narrator.
In the case of Brokeback Mountain – a novelette written for a more general audience – the female characters have mercifully been given distinct personalities and some depth. Alma, for example, does actually do something on her own: she leaves her husband. Lureen, it could be argued, also does something about her husband. These women have some influence on the plot, although their primary function and the main way in which they are defined is still in relation to Ennis and Jack.
Women and Their Roles in Male Based Novels
In Brokeback Mountain, there are the roles of Alma and Lureen. These two women play typical wives…they take care of the kids, have a job and provide for the family, but they don’t ever seem to have any control over their husbands. They are portrayed almost as someone for Ennis and Jack to fall back on…their purpose is so that the men feel like they are in a traditional marriage. And even though Alma knows what it going on with Ennis and Jack, her role in society makes her keep her mouth shut, and she is powerless. By saying anything, she may have risked the lives of herself and her children, and she would never have been able to support herself without Ennis.
In Fight Club, the main female character is Marla, who is placed in the novel almost as a sex object. Her sole purpose is sleeping with Tyler. She is not told about any of the plans involving fight club, and therefore neither Tyler nor the narrator have any sense of emotional affection for her. The other woman in Fight Club is Chloe, whose one wish before she dies is to have sex a final time. Again, she is portrayed as a sexual being. And while she may not have gotten her wish, that is only because she was too hideous and sick for anyone to want or be attracted to.
Neither of these novels seem to portray women as if they are equal to men, and they are certainly not seen in a good light. But then again, what do you expect from male based stories?
Women, where?
The women in Brokeback Mountain and Fight Club, although not the center of attention, play important roles. Both books and movies are written with male leads and centered around the masculine, however, the females provide a necessary contrast. Without the women, the stories would be much less dynamic. In Brokeback Mountain the wives show the consequences of Ennis' and Jacks actions. The show the importance of love in a relationship. I think lack of love in the mens' relationships with their wives makes it easier for the reader/viewer to grasp the intensity of thier love for each other. In Brokeback Mountain this is crucial because people are less likely and willing to accept a gay partnership let alone the concept of love and the contrast between the male/female and male/male relationships is so great it is impossible to ignore the men's love for one another. Fight Club depicts a man's world. The novel was written with men in mind and the movie follows suit. Marla plays an important role in the movie/book even if it is relativly small. Marla again shows some of the consequences of the narrarators condition. She is used as a tool. In both Fight Club and Brokeback Mountain the women are strong individuals with small parts. There are very few women, but they are important. I think it is very important to see these strong personalities behind the main characters, it gives the books/movies depth and gives the audience a better grasp on the situations. |
Women in a Man's World
The first woman we meet in Brokeback Mountain is Alma, Ennis’ wife. She is a typical 60’s era housewife. She cooks and cleans and watches the kid while Ennis goes to work and makes the money. Even though she finds out about Ennis’ affair, she keeps quiet about it and doesn’t call him out on it. She does this because she is afraid of embarrassment. She also relies on Ennis for her well being; she doesn’t want to lose him.
Jack’s wife, Lureen, is also definitely a supporting character. She appears sporadically in the story, signifying that she is not a very reliable sense of comfort and love for Jack. She comes off as very cold and calculating, without much feeling and depth. Jack marries her out of convenience more than anything else. By the end of the story, the relationship is nothing but going through the motions.
Finally, in Fight Club we meet Marla. She is a troubled soul who is just looking for a connection with someone, anyone. She has no faith in herself and is worried life is passing her by. Tyler accidentally gets her swept up in his world and she becomes a pawn in his game.
All three women struggle to navigate through the masculine community and feel that somehow they don’t quite fit or belong.
Roles of women in Brokeback Mountain and Fight Club
In both
In Brokeback Mountain Laureen and Alma take a backseat to the intense relationship between Jack and Ennis. The wives are used to maintain an outward appearance of normalcy for the men, and have relatively little to do with the storyline. Their lack of involvement in the storyline is most likely to not detract from the powerful connection between Jack and Ennis, and the message that is conveyed therein. The fact that so little can be said regarding the characters of Laureen and Alma speaks of how they, and women in general, are portrayed in the novel.
More obviously in Fight Club, the male targets, males wishing to rebel against society, are able to see parallels in their relationships with women. Those that objectify women, see Tyler Durden’s interaction with Marla Singer, and find a common bond that links them to the storyline.
All of the women in both of the novels are objectified in some way. The use of women in such a negative manner portrays the men in the novel negatively as well, which fits the purpose of Fight Club, but degrades the message in
The Women of the Last Two Stories
In Fight Club we have the privilege of meeting the adventure that is Marla Singer. She is a foul, sex-driven, walking cancerous tumor that seems to metastasize everywhere she goes. Her entire purpose in the plot is to come between the narrator and his alter ego, only further complicating things. She is nothing more than an object of sexual fantasy; her actual self is completely untapped in the story. Then there is Chloe, she died, but while she was still alive sex was her last wish. It is simply demoralizing to place a human being’s last wishes in the bed sheets of anyone willing to have sex with them. The men are basically like manikins to sex, unfazed by the weakness associated with sexual addiction.
Women in Brokeback/Fight Club
When considering Fight Club’s Tyler Durden as a separate entity rather than a part of the narrator’s mind, he is a perfect example of this situation. To him, Marla is simply someone to call and use for sex. He explicitly tells the narrator that, other than these nocturnal meetings, he does not want to see or talk to Marla at all. And before the narrator himself starts falling for Marla, he too wants nothing to do with her. He is hardly even civil because of his jealousy of Tyler and Marla’s relationship.
In Brokeback Mountain, the wives Alma and Lureen are mostly background characters to the intense relationship between Ennis and Jack. The two marriages are more obligatory than loving. Alma accepts her position as subordinate to Ennis and also manages the household, a stereotypically female role. Lureen and Jack seldom talk and simply stay in their marriage because it is familiar to them. The women, like Marla, are simply part of the surroundings of the men’s world.
Fight Club/Brokeback Mountain: Where do the Women Stand?
In Brokeback Mountain the women sat quietly, accepting their place in their male companions world. They realized that they would never truly be able to exist in this world; that they would always have to watch from the outside. This created an environmen were there was little love and great distance. Ennis Del Mar's wife, Alma Beers, could not take living like that anymore and she divorced him. Also, Jack Twist admitted to Ennis that he and his wife could do their relationship over the telephone. The men's marriages were so unsuccessful because the women played such a passive role. The men wold not let them in and the women resented them for it.
In Fight Club Marla Singer was the only women who had a significant role in the movie. Although the men shut her out, she did not sit quietly and just let it happen. She argued and fought about not being let into Tyler Durden's world. However, ultimately she was forced to realize that her role was to sit on the outside and look in. She had to accept her place in the male world surrounding Fight Club and know that she would never fully be accepted into Tyler's life. After realizing this she refused to talk to Tyler and even told him that he was the worst thing that happened to her. The relationship failed because, like the male-female relationship of Brokeback Mountain, Marla tried to be a part of Tyler's life but he kept pushing her away. This realization was too much for Marla and she realized that the hope for a fulfilling relationship with Tyler was impossible.
Women Don't Belong
Neither Palahniuk, nor Annie Proulx tend to do women any favors as far as the image that they create for them. The only women who play roles large enough to provide for discussion are the two wives in Brokeback Mountain, Lureen and Alma, and in Fight Club, Marla Singer. All three women struggled to find their roles in the life that they found themselves in, and one cannot help but assume that it is for this reason that they rarely appear to be happy. Both authors do a masterful job describing the unique ways in which the female characters shift around, attempting to find their respective roles, but it appears that none of them ever achieve this feat.
Now let us examine each individual woman and delve a little deeper into their lives. Lureen appears to be Jack’s afterthought wife who keeps the house running and even steps in to help out the family income. In some ways, she appears to be Jack’s little doll that fears conflict and runs from the suspected truth. Clearly this does not represent women in a positive way. Despite Proulx’s rather weak representation through Lureen, she makes up for it with her inclusion of Alma in the movie. My first impression was that Alma was a soft-spoken, loving, pushover of a women. Yet, Alma refuted all of these claims, displaying strength, boldness, and firmness in her dealings with her husband Ennis during and after the divorce. Alma’s character shows that women can be strong and bold. In Fight Club, Marla Singer debases the image of a woman by being displayed as a mere object to be desired and used. Marla is put up with purely because Tyler Durden keeps her around to have sex. Marla lives a confused, abused, and uncomfortable life.
These books send the signal that women are not meant to exist in an all-guy atmosphere. The reader comes away noting that women are weak and deserve to wander around seeking a role that cannot exist in a world solely for men.
Friday, November 9, 2007
"The First Rule of Knitting Circle is, you tell everyone about Knitting Circle."
The simplest, and not coincidentally the most boring answer, is that it would not have to change too much. Violence is considered every bit as deviant as for women as for men, if not more so. A sort of "reverse image" might be constructed, with a women replacing every male character and vice-versa.
More realistically, however, there would be changes. A film involving women beating each other up? There's not an advertising director anywhere in the world that could possibly resist slapping the word "catfight" all over every copy of the film. Sexuality would no doubt play a much more prominent role in the film than in the book, simply due to Hollywood standards.
Fight Club might not even remain a fight club. There's a popular conception that women are less violent than men, and a film or a book that doesn't fit people's stereotypes won't be received as well. My facetious title aside, I am not sure what activity would be selected to replace violence. The violence and terrorism might simply be gentrified - the violence would have the blood removed, and the aftermath might be reduced to mere bruises. The terrorism would have the destruction downplayed in favor of the comedy - the pigeon assault and rolling globe are definite candidates here. In short, it would probably become a Frankinsteinian assemblage - the plot of Fight Club with the production values of Charlie's Angels.
Turn up the cheesecake and turn down the blood. It'd turn a film that had most of its message left intact into another piece of low-grade entertainment. It may not be right, but that's how Hollywood would treat females in this piece.
Marla can hardly be used as a model of sanity and well-adjustment, yet her idiosyncrasies pale beside Tyler/Narrator's. Tyler/Narrator, to her, was loving one moment and resentful the next. Marla's strategy for coping with a man who would tell her to her face that he wasn't there was very interesting. She didn't. There was no compromise or strategy - she simply faced the problem head on. Marla screams at him, denounces him, and angrily leaves. Under the circumstances, that was probably one of the best choices she could have made. If she had only done it earlier, she might even have been spared involvement in Tyler's schemes. Not attempting to cope and acting in her own best interest served her well.
Lureen pursued a very different strategy to deal with her problems with Jack. While it is debatable whether or not she knew about his involvement with Ennis - I think that most would agree that she certainly at least had suspicions - Lureen dealt with these issues by pretending that they did not exist. In her final appearance, if Jack was murdered, then Lureen simply rewrote the past to suit her willful ignorance. If Jack honestly did die in an accident, then she merely ignored suspicion.
Alma certainly knew about Ennis and Jack. While many criticize her for leaving him, arguing that she should have been more supportive and forgiving and claiming that she was discriminatory, this ignores the fact that her husband was cheating on her. The fact that he was cheating on her with a man, or that he believed himself to be in love with Jack, in no way ameliorates his crime. She did in fact wait for a time after she knew, but when the affair continued, she left. She dealt with the problem by leaving it behind.
There can be no one record of the methods these women used to deal with their problems, because each one of them was unique, and therefore their solutions were as well.
The Role of Women
Brokeback Mountain makes a stark and obvious contrast between the conventional family life and the relationship between Jack and Ennis. Family life is considered a chore or obligation and both wives are considered annoying and bothersome while the relationship between Jack and Ennis is considered blissful and captivating. It is interesting the way Jack and Ennis's wives chose to deal with their role as a supporting character to their husbands' lives. Alma knew of Ennis's infidelity and still chose to stay with him emphasizing the portrayal of the need for women to be with a man, even a cheating one, at that time. Jack's wife is portrayed as stronger than Alma. She runs a business and is very good at it but coincidently she is also portrayed as coldhearted. Apparently women can't be both strong and compassionate.
In Fight Club, Marla Singer is the only woman who plays a key role in the book and she is still only secondary to the narrator and Tyler Durden. Marla is basically passed around like some kind of toy in this story. Neither the narrator nor Tyler, at least in the beginning, have any real feelings for her. She is only used for sex and not considered important enough to expend any substantial feelings on. Marla seems to realize this but decides it is easier just to accept her meager existence, perhaps thinking it would be too difficult to make people think otherwise.
Women in the Center of a Men's World
In Brokeback Mountain, for example, the wives of both Jack and Ennis are almost considered antagonists, since they are both serving as simple distractions that prevent Jack and Ennis from being together. For instance, Alma is portrayed as a very simple and fairly unattractive woman who Ennis seems to tolerate merely because that is what he was brought up to do, get married and have children. He never shows the audience that he loves her or truly cares for her at all. Furthermore, Lureen is portrayed as an attractive woman who was raised by a very wealthy family. Jack’s involvement with Lureen brings about more conflict since her father always alludes to the fact that Jack is not good enough for his daughter. In both of these relationships, the women are disfavored and unlovable, which is very unusual for a Hollywood story.
In Fight Club, the only woman who plays a substantial role in the plot is Marla Singer. In this story, she is portrayed as a very disheveled, insane, and overall trashy woman. Her character creates the furthest thing from an attractive female, which changes the entire relationship between her, the narrator, and Tyler. In the story, the narrator and Tyler both initially seem to find the idea of dating Marla disgusting and unthinkable. The relationship between Tyler and Marla in the beginning seems to be one of sheer desperation on Tyler’s part. He found a woman in need, and therefore decided to use her for sex. However, towards the end of the story, the narrator begins to fall in love with Marla, even though she is also portayed as unlovable. He realizes that he truly cares for her and wants to protect her from any harm, or especially from Tyler. Marla's role in this story is to further explain the narrator's Schizophrenia to the audience in that she has been there all along, and has seen both of Tyler Durden's personalities. In addition, Marla's character ties the narrator and Tyler together in that they both are involved with her throughout the story.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Movie Dominates Book
Seeing the characters speak the words that I had read in the book had a much greater effect on me. Quotes such as, “His name is Robert Paulson,” or, “Our great war is a spiritual war, and our depression is our lives!,” or, “On a long enough time frame, the survival rate of everyone drops to zero” really became ingrained in my head, rattling around endlessly, forcing me to think about their meanings. It was far more powerful for me to watch the face of the character as he or she uttered words that burned themselves in my mind. Overall, I would give the book a rating of a six, and the movie a rating of a seven-and-a-half.
I am Jack's Incredible Sense of Awe
Before reading Fight Club for class, I knew only two things about it. The first was that, for some reason, I wasn’t supposed to talk about it, and the second was a quote from a dear, plot-spoiling friend of mine: “They turn out to be the same guy!” Although I knew I wouldn’t be able to experience the infamous plot twist with the same magnitude, I was still excited to finally see if the book and movie lived up to their reputations. However, both exceeded my expectations.
I knew from the beginning that the novel would not disappoint me, simply because it is by Chuck Palahniuk. That being said, I had no idea I could enjoy a book about violence so much. Normally squeamish, I embraced page upon page of bruises, slashes, and pools of blood. I felt almost like a member of the club itself: I knew all the rules, was in close contact with Tyler Durden, and kept coming back for more. And while the film does an incredibly good job of depicting the men’s need for fight club, the book simply conveys that fact with more emotion. Instead of watching the men fight and connect, a reader is drawn into this underground world of secret stress-relief.
Regardless of which version was “better”, both the movie and film are incredibly original, thought-provoking, and worth the time to watch or read. Both use the rhetorical devices available to them to make readers and viewers question society, their relationships, and even themselves.
Fight Club
Having both seen and read Fight Club, I would have to say that I liked the book more. Although I did gain a greater appreciation for the movie the second time I read it, I still do not think that it compares to the depth and the intrigue of the novel.
I felt that with the novel, it was a little harder to infer that Tyler and the narrator are in fact the same person. I believe this enhanced the punch of the ending. I could be completely wrong, though, because I knew the ending before reading the book.
Another aspect that I think was better represented in the book was
All in all, I thought that the movie, though not quite as good as the book, did the book justice, unlike so many others before it. The movie beautifully recreated the troubled nature of the narrator’s mind as produced with the sporadic writing style in the book. The major themes of the novel were left intact while keeping the movie entertaining. The transition from book to movie, in this case, was a success.
Fight Club- Give it a Chance
Maybe it’s because I’ve read the book that the movie is easier to follow, or maybe it’s just the fact that I’m seeing it for a second time, but it is so much more interesting the second time around. And, when I watched it before, I didn’t get the overall message at all. To me, it was still just a film about fighting. Now I see exactly what the point of the story is, and because of this, I do enjoy it. Now I completely see what all the hype is about. This isn’t just a book/movie about hitting someone as hard as you can. It’s so much more than that, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone. It may take more than one try to really understand all of the hidden messages, but it is so worth reading/watching.
Fight Club's Adaptation from Book to Film
To try and get around this problem, I tried to objectively focus on Palahniuk's writing style and whether or not it matched Norton and Pitt's acting. Palahniuk's sentences are short and choppy, much like the movie jumps around from scene to scene. Both the book and movie also give you just enough information to be very interested but you never quite understand what is going on until the conclusion. A tremendous amount of dialog is quoted from the book as well. Even though I was somewhat biased by having seen Fight Club prior to reading it, I think that Fight Club from book to movie is the best adaptation I have seen of this kind and trumps all the other book to movie adaptations our class has watched this year.
Translation: Fight Club Rules.
Last year I read the book and I was thrilled with it. I realized that the dry and monotonous humor of the narrator wasn't just a creation of Edward Norton's, but could really be perceived from Palahniuk's writing. The characters are portrayed SO WELL in the film, that you can't help but give props to David Fincher and Jim Uhls for their translation of Palahniuk's words. The way in which the novel is narrated is such a unique and powerful aspect of Fight Club that the film would simply not be the same if it didn't make the leap to theaters. I am very grateful that it did.
The only big difference between the film and the book is the ending, (which I don't want to give away,) but even this change doesn't dramatically impact the message of Fight Club, which is what is most important.
Fight Club: Not Just for Bookworms, Anymore!
And I'm not trying to say that fight club isn't a good movie. As a matter of fact, I'd go so far as to say that it's a great movie. The production values are fantastic, the acting is amazing, and if I hadn't read the book I would have been blown away by the twist. The problem with it is that it perverts the message of the book, and THEN brings it to a huge audience. The good stuff is all there, it's just much harder to find. I think the real problem is the fact that the movie-going population of America doesn't understand what a "Satire" is.
So maybe Fight Club should have stayed a book. It would have kept it in the hands of people who read for pleasure instead of assignment, and it probably would have been understood much better. But then again, Edward Norton.
Fight Club.. what a movie
I found both the movie and the book to be very effective in different ways. I like to connect with a book and visualize all of the written imagery on my own. On the other hand the movie puts all of those details in your face and lets you concentrate on the message behind the words.
Fight Club: the Similarities and the Differences between David Fincher's and Chuck Palahniuk's Versions
In the movie, Tyler isn't quite as psychotic as he is in the book. Although he is still a terrorist and chaos is still his mission, he doesn't go as far in the movie as he does in the book. He doesn't kill anyone in the movie, whereas he kills the mayor’s special envoy in the book. He also never intends to kill anyone in the movie - his gun not being loaded when he threatens Raymond K. Hessel – while he wants twelve “human sacrifices” and explicitly tells the members of Project Mayhem, "and just so you don't worry about it, yes, you're going to have to kill someone" in the book. I suppose that this is done to make him more likeable. I still think that he’s a twit.
Marla isn’t as depraved in the movie either. She still rambles on about death and a few other strange things, but there is no mention of her telling Tyler that she, “wants his abortion.” I heard that producers begged for that line not to be included (although they weren’t too fond of the grade school line either). In any case, Marla is actually a lot more likeable in the movie than in the book.
Overall, though, the scenery fits the story, the actors fit their roles, and the whole thing - fight scenes included - looks realistic enough. There are minor deviations in the movie from the book – such as the first time that Tyler and the main character meet, the attack on the police commissioner at the banquet, and attack on the main character at the police station – but these all help with the flow of the storyline. The ending, most notably of all, is different. In the movie, it is a bit happier. This, I think, was a good move on David Fincher’s half. We – the “middle children” of the earth – need our superficial happy endings to fill in the voids of our sad, consumerist lives...
Hints regarding the identity of Tyler are presented as cleverly in the movie as they are in the book. In the latter, it is foreshadowed in the way that the main character is treated by strangers (they seem to recognize him and wink), while in the former, it is in the way that those close to him treat him (Marla acts like he’s the one she likes and Bob thanks him for Fight Club). In both the book and the movie, the main character himself also foreshadows the truth. He asks if it is possible to wake up as someone else, and mentions how his fight with himself reminds him of his first fight with Tyler.
The tongue-in-cheek humor of the book is translated very well into the movie. The fact that I didn’t notice the music at all must mean that it was well done (that sort of thing is only noticeable when it doesn’t go well with a movie, makes your ears bleed, or the movie in question is a musical). In general, this is one of the few good book-to-movie adaptations that Hollywood has successfully made.